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BroadDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kits

  • BroadDye Terminator V3.5 Cycle Sequencing Kit (BDT-5000)
BroadDye Terminator V3.5 Cycle Sequencing Kit (BDT-5000)

BroadDye Terminator V3.5 Cycle Sequencing Kit (BDT-5000)

BroadDye Terminator V3.5 Cycle Sequencing Kit

Catalog Number: BDT-5000

The BroadDye Terminator V3.5 Cycle Sequencing Kit provides pre-mixed reagents for Sanger sequencing reactions.



This kit uses four different fluorescent dyes to label ddNTPs, which are added sequentially to the primer through a cycle sequencing reaction. The kit reagents are suitable for performing fluorescence-based cycle sequencing reactions on single-stranded or double-stranded DNA templates, on PCR fragments, and on large templates (for example, BAC clones).



With enhanced robustness and better dye mobility characteristics, the BroadDye Terminator V3.5 Cycle Sequencing Kit can be used in a wide range of applications with the following features:

· Long read lengths.

· Better performance reading through GC rich regions.

· Longer reads with more uniform peak heights.

· Improved productivity for less cost.



· De novo sequencing

· Resequencing

· Sequencing difficult templates

· Long-read sequencing

· Sequencing across all template types (plasmids, PCR products)

· Mixed-base detection

· Sequencing short PCR products using rapid electrophoresis run modules



•   3730/3730xl DNA Analyzer 

   3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer

•   3130/3130xl Genetic Analyzer 

•   310 Genetic Analyzer 

•   Locus Sector 16

•   Honor 1624/1816/1824


Template Compatibility:
Plasmid DNA (≤15Kb)
Single Stranded DNA
Lambda DNA
Genomic DNA (Bacterial)
PCR Amplicons


Dye set

The kits are optimized to run with Dye Set Z for BroadDye Terminator v3.5.
